The answer for the title of the post is some "random" number between 0 and 1 (excel formula). So the title of the post is ???? I dont know what to write as a title and so I adopted this one. Please let me know the answer if you know.
In the previous post, arina was asking about the person behind the post "understanding the meaning of yes and no". She mentioned that she was confused .
Idiot, if you are really confused, i am "really" happy. Let the confusion prevail.
I told my boss that I am designing a poster for our team "roaring tigers" for galli cricket tournament. Here is my design...

Please do not laugh (if at all you are laughing)....
I have designed logo for the competition too..

During May 2009, accident was the best thing happened to me. Thanks to my bike and its because of the accident I got my best friend back and then.........
Back to present may 2011, my fans count has increased to 20. Thanks to "stari". She praised my blog and I dont remember the exact words. Will update the same in my next post.
In the last week, srilu was asking about my blog. She framed another standard sentence "After I have become the fan for your blog you stopped writing". I hope she will not say the same atleast this week.
Apart from this, I need to say sorry to few of my friends because ..............
Thats it.. Its almost 4 AM...
nice work machi