I miss my blog.. But I cant change the things...
Midterm dates are approaching at a rocket speed.
Check these links. (Pics of presentation and vishal birtday)
I have so much work to do..
thats it for the day.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Rate my work !!!!

I am writing this blog after a long gap.. I am busy with work... I could hardly get a sleep of 4 to 5 hours..
I get up at 8.45.. attend classes .. back to room by 2.30.. learn PHP.. write code ... till 6.30 .. sleep for 2 hours.. get up at 8.30.. again learn PHP.. write code... in between prepare for PPTs and other tasks.. sleep at 5 in the morning..
I have so much to write.. especially my experience with QAM quiz... It was the best attempt I had given of all the quizes.. day after tom we have a quiz on accounting.. but I dint start preparing.. I got 3 in first quiz.. I have a path to improve my marks.. but that path is full of thorns..:((...
anyways.. I will write a post on the past ten days experience once I am done with FRA quiz...
today I created a poster for M3 team..
please rate it.. the concept is simple.. all of us are tied together under the name of M3...
the worst part is that my pic is missing. I started designing the pic for 10 ppl, but later on I came to know that I was suppose to design for 11 ppl. I decided to sacrifice my pic for 11th person's pic :((...
I came to know from one of my old friends (cvsr) that few of my classmates, with whom I hardly spoke during my college days at PEC, are reading my blog on regular basis.
thats it for the day
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The Story Continues..
I, ME, MY CREATIVITY (2010) - Part 2
More at praveentheruffian.blogspot.com »
Overview :
User Rating: 5/5 ( 1 user @ blondie)
MOVIEmeter: Up xyz% in popularity this week. See why on blondie.
Directors: Ruffian
Writers: Ruffian
Release Date: 14 July 2010 (INDIA)
Genre: Drama
Tagline: Search for the creativity in this so called creative story
Plot: The story is about the following incidents
1. How to get cracked by accounting quiz
2. Interesting people and interesting quiz
3. How unlucky a person can be
4. Birthday Party
This part deals with the introduction of characters
it starts here
Ruffian, still in the mood of upset, opens his mail and finds the marketing quiz to be conducted by the marketing committee. At once a sigh of relief in his face. The marketing quiz is all about brands. Ruffian thinks that his creative work definitely works here. So he wanted to form a team. (actually "the formation of team" case is different. His status quo at present defines to be a member of team instead of forming the team). Finally he finds mr.cool and convinces mr.rebel (mr.rebel is the guy whom ruffian first met in the campus and the friendship still continues) to form the team. The next task that Ruffian thinks is not about preparation but thinks on how to spend the prize money.
Now a brief description about Ruffian's friends :
Mr.Cool :
His height is his best asset. His "take it light" policy fetched him the name mr.cool. Ruffian thinks that mr.cool tackles the things in an efficient way. Ofcourse its mr.cool who took ruffian, for the first time, out for a ride to lucknow city on a governmentt bus. Ruffian and mr.cool share some funny incidents. Normally ruffian doesnt look at mam/sir when they are teaching, instead he looks at his friends and especially those who are sleeping. Ruffian thinks sleep is an art and especially when "a subtle sleep before professor". One day when ruffian is in the business of finding out who is sleeping, he saw mr.cool sitting at the other corner. Mr.cool was giving a posture of "brahmanandham's ( a comedian) trade mark smile - shaking his head with a grin and tongue out" at ruffian. Ruffian could not control his laugh but at the same time he cannot laugh as the professor was observing the class. With in a minute, mr.cool was asked to answer a question related to probability. His face gesture (as if he doesnt know anything) brought a big smile in ruffian's face.
Mr.Rebel :
The perfection mixed with isolation fetched him the title "Rebel". Mr.Rebel is a kind of guy who cannot be convinced. Mr.Rebel does the things only he feels that the work has certain potential. Ruffian often goes in the path of Mr.Rebel. Ruffian makes fun of Mr.Rebel by playing the title song of a movie "BILLA" which has the meaning - " My style is this way. I was brought up this where every one salutes me. My steps are unpredictible and no two steps are similar. My name is billaaa. B for Billa. I have come all alone like a bunch of soldiers. My name is billaa. Bizili Billaaa." The song goes on like that. Ruffian considers this friendship a big asset.
The best part of Mr.Rebel is doing the things in a systematic way. Ruffian always goes to Mr.Rebel to get his CV verified.
Mr.Boppa :
Mr.Boppa is different from all others. He owns a desktop. All the desktops in the campus belong to Mr.Boppa. Mr.Boppa doesnt waste time. During the breaks between the classes, Mr.Boppa takes in charge of his personal computer. Even the class representative needs to take Boppa's permission to use the system in the class because the desktop is always in use by Mr.Boppa. (By this time people might have understood that Boppa is using the system which professors use for presentations). More about Boppa comes in the coming posts. Mr.Boppa's nick name is Mr.Bi**u. But he hates that. Ruffian enjoys calling him with that name. Boppa gave a warning to Ruffian not use the other name. Hence "I" am not posting the name here.
So, the journey starts now. Mr.Cool, Mr.Rebel and Ruffian are all set to crack the quiz. Ruffian is on cloud # 9 because Mr.Cool and Mr.Rebel are good at general knowledge. The team of 3 in a over whelming crowd of 200 (around 80 teams) can crack it ???
The story continues...
By the way tomorrow I have a presentation to do. We are planning it to do in a different way. Now the time is 4.58. I thought of spending just half an hour for the blog, but its been an hour since I started.
I am happy that most of my friends gave a positive feedback about yesterday's post.
I promised that I would be posting the best comment here. But I dont want to hurt anyone quoting that one comment is best(which implies the other is not the best).
Sandesh commented
Nice post!! Finally how many marks you got, topper of the batch marks? hehehe...kidding:)
Sai commented
privileged to find my name mentioned in the post
Lokesh commented
Hey Compu (now i know this comment ll disappear tomorrow) ... today's blog is a bit more creative and more interesting as the reading gets going. Probably this is ur magnum opus article.Coming to the contents of the blog, .... hehehehe .... u get to score 0.65 marks !!!! dudeeee.... ur no lesser to me (i know u wud still doubt it). keep up the confidence levels high. Never get bitten by the comparison bug. Enjoy ur stint at IIM. Life is not gonna end in the books and blah blah .....
With u all the time ....
keep bloggiiiiinnnnnggggg (u r really getting creative) ( like me !!!! )
Thats it for the day.
I am tired. I am suppose to have a reharsal of tomorrow's ppt. Wish me all the best.
More at praveentheruffian.blogspot.com »
Overview :
User Rating: 5/5 ( 1 user @ blondie)
MOVIEmeter: Up xyz% in popularity this week. See why on blondie.
Directors: Ruffian
Writers: Ruffian
Release Date: 14 July 2010 (INDIA)
Genre: Drama
Tagline: Search for the creativity in this so called creative story
Plot: The story is about the following incidents
1. How to get cracked by accounting quiz
2. Interesting people and interesting quiz
3. How unlucky a person can be
4. Birthday Party
This part deals with the introduction of characters
it starts here
Ruffian, still in the mood of upset, opens his mail and finds the marketing quiz to be conducted by the marketing committee. At once a sigh of relief in his face. The marketing quiz is all about brands. Ruffian thinks that his creative work definitely works here. So he wanted to form a team. (actually "the formation of team" case is different. His status quo at present defines to be a member of team instead of forming the team). Finally he finds mr.cool and convinces mr.rebel (mr.rebel is the guy whom ruffian first met in the campus and the friendship still continues) to form the team. The next task that Ruffian thinks is not about preparation but thinks on how to spend the prize money.
Now a brief description about Ruffian's friends :
Mr.Cool :
His height is his best asset. His "take it light" policy fetched him the name mr.cool. Ruffian thinks that mr.cool tackles the things in an efficient way. Ofcourse its mr.cool who took ruffian, for the first time, out for a ride to lucknow city on a governmentt bus. Ruffian and mr.cool share some funny incidents. Normally ruffian doesnt look at mam/sir when they are teaching, instead he looks at his friends and especially those who are sleeping. Ruffian thinks sleep is an art and especially when "a subtle sleep before professor". One day when ruffian is in the business of finding out who is sleeping, he saw mr.cool sitting at the other corner. Mr.cool was giving a posture of "brahmanandham's ( a comedian) trade mark smile - shaking his head with a grin and tongue out" at ruffian. Ruffian could not control his laugh but at the same time he cannot laugh as the professor was observing the class. With in a minute, mr.cool was asked to answer a question related to probability. His face gesture (as if he doesnt know anything) brought a big smile in ruffian's face.
Mr.Rebel :
The perfection mixed with isolation fetched him the title "Rebel". Mr.Rebel is a kind of guy who cannot be convinced. Mr.Rebel does the things only he feels that the work has certain potential. Ruffian often goes in the path of Mr.Rebel. Ruffian makes fun of Mr.Rebel by playing the title song of a movie "BILLA" which has the meaning - " My style is this way. I was brought up this where every one salutes me. My steps are unpredictible and no two steps are similar. My name is billaaa. B for Billa. I have come all alone like a bunch of soldiers. My name is billaa. Bizili Billaaa." The song goes on like that. Ruffian considers this friendship a big asset.
The best part of Mr.Rebel is doing the things in a systematic way. Ruffian always goes to Mr.Rebel to get his CV verified.
Mr.Boppa :
Mr.Boppa is different from all others. He owns a desktop. All the desktops in the campus belong to Mr.Boppa. Mr.Boppa doesnt waste time. During the breaks between the classes, Mr.Boppa takes in charge of his personal computer. Even the class representative needs to take Boppa's permission to use the system in the class because the desktop is always in use by Mr.Boppa. (By this time people might have understood that Boppa is using the system which professors use for presentations). More about Boppa comes in the coming posts. Mr.Boppa's nick name is Mr.Bi**u. But he hates that. Ruffian enjoys calling him with that name. Boppa gave a warning to Ruffian not use the other name. Hence "I" am not posting the name here.
So, the journey starts now. Mr.Cool, Mr.Rebel and Ruffian are all set to crack the quiz. Ruffian is on cloud # 9 because Mr.Cool and Mr.Rebel are good at general knowledge. The team of 3 in a over whelming crowd of 200 (around 80 teams) can crack it ???
The story continues...
By the way tomorrow I have a presentation to do. We are planning it to do in a different way. Now the time is 4.58. I thought of spending just half an hour for the blog, but its been an hour since I started.
I am happy that most of my friends gave a positive feedback about yesterday's post.
I promised that I would be posting the best comment here. But I dont want to hurt anyone quoting that one comment is best(which implies the other is not the best).
Sandesh commented
Nice post!! Finally how many marks you got, topper of the batch marks? hehehe...kidding:)
Sai commented
privileged to find my name mentioned in the post
Lokesh commented
Hey Compu (now i know this comment ll disappear tomorrow) ... today's blog is a bit more creative and more interesting as the reading gets going. Probably this is ur magnum opus article.Coming to the contents of the blog, .... hehehehe .... u get to score 0.65 marks !!!! dudeeee.... ur no lesser to me (i know u wud still doubt it). keep up the confidence levels high. Never get bitten by the comparison bug. Enjoy ur stint at IIM. Life is not gonna end in the books and blah blah .....
With u all the time ....
keep bloggiiiiinnnnnggggg (u r really getting creative) ( like me !!!! )
Thats it for the day.
I am tired. I am suppose to have a reharsal of tomorrow's ppt. Wish me all the best.
Monday, July 12, 2010
16 questions packed into 13 minutes
I am writing this post after a gap of 4 days. I was very busy. Busy seems to be too less.
I am writing this post in a very different way.
I am following the style of a korean movie. (If I am killing the essence of the original movie, please do not kill me nor shout at me in comments section)
More at praveentheruffian.blogspot.com »
Overview :
User Rating: Awaiting
MOVIEmeter: Up xyz% in popularity this week. See why on blondie.
Directors: Ruffian
Writers: Ruffian
Release Date: 13 July 2010 (INDIA)
Genre: Drama | Thriller | Comedy |
Tagline: Sometimes Creativity Sucks
Plot: The story is about the following incidents
1. How to get cracked by accounting quiz
2. Interesting people and interesting quiz
3. How unlucky a person can be
4. Birthday Party
and it starts here...
Ruffian gets up at 8.45. The confidence is glowing on his face because yesterday night he was able to balance the transactions on balance sheet with out any problem.
His confidence level is at peak. The only thing that is flashing in his mind " Will I get 9 or 10 in the accounting quiz. I may lose 1 mark due to over confidence". The confidence is growing up minute by minute and started oozing out. He reached the exam hall 3 minutes before the alloted time. Normally he enters the hall at last second. This time its confidence that led him to go early. He prefers to sit in the last row. But since he is prepared, he is searching for a vacant seat in the first row. But he could get a place only in the last row. With all discomfort on this world, he adjusted there. The accounting subject madam has come to the hall. She said "All the best". Ruffian thinks that he doesn't need those as he is well prepared. Madam was announcing about the test details, but ruffian is more interested in solving the problem and leave the hall as quickly as possible before the confidence level goes down. The first shocker came when madam announced that "the total time for the test is 13 mins". Ruffian thinks its enough as "he is well prepared". The questions papers are distributed. Ruffian with a grin starts looking at the paper. Slowly the grin on his face turned invisible. The first question was a fill in the blank. He did not read the theory part. Only thing he knows is balance sheet. He left the question thinking "half mark questions can be solved at last". The second question was also a fill in the blank question. Ruffian dint even read the question as the question was 3 lines and he realized that reading 3 lines and understanding the question takes more than 2 minutes.
He wisely moved to next section a kind of multiple choice question (three choices). He read the first question. He did not understand. He thought for a while and read the next question. This time he is clueless. He realized the fact that he did not prepare for such a standard paper. So he started applying mathematics principles here. He wanted to find the expected value of score on these multiple choice questions. He solves the problem this way.
The probability of each choice turning out to be a correct answer is 1/3.
The probability of getting zero correct answer : 16/81
The probability of getting one correct answer : 32/81
The probability of getting two correct answer : 24/81
The probability of getting three correct answer : 8/81
The probability of getting four correct answer : 1/81 (highly unlikely)
Finally he calculated the expected value and it turned out to be : 1.33
Multiplying the final result by 0.5 he gets 0.66 marks.
On seeing the expected marks, ruffian felt very happy. He now feels that he cannot get zero if he marks all the answers with only one choice.
(The people who are reading this blog might be thinking that even a kid knows "by marking all the answers with a single choice he gets at least one answer correct. Ruffian too knows that. But he doesn't want to sit idle in the examination hall.)
Then comes the theory questions. The questions were so tricky. Ruffian got struck in the first question itself. Since he is a ruffian he doesn't want to go to next question. He wants to solve it at any cost. On the flip side the seconds hand is moving like lucknow sathabdhi express(the super fast train in India). Ruffian managed to write some crap and filled the gap. Then an announcement "students you are left with one minute". Hearing that ruffian felt happy that he was able to complete it "in time". The twist is that there are questions on other side of the paper too. When he flipped the paper, ruffian found 6 more questions. Four of them are fill ups where
he cannot write anonymous answers and two are multiple choice questions. This time ruffian is not left with any time to calculate the probability nor expected score. By that time, madam started collecting the answer sheets. Normally people smile during the exam when they over perform or under perform. Ruffian could not stop smiling.
When he was coming out of the examination hall, he could hear the voices
"how many questions did you solve ?"
"whats the last answer?"
"this is a crap paper"
"I dint do well"
"will the next quiz be of same type ??"
Sai, Ruffian's friend, says "what the hell (a little modified), what are these people thinking. Are they still in school to discuss about the test once it is finished. Will discussing the questions fetch them any marks ??"
Ruffian hearing this felt so happy. Ruffian starts to his room in search of the "oozed" confidence.
tomorrow THE STORY CONTINUES. Same time and same venue.
Now the time is 5.41. I have class at 9.15. I need some sleep. Take a break. I will do the same.
thats it for the day.
I am writing this post in a very different way.
I am following the style of a korean movie. (If I am killing the essence of the original movie, please do not kill me nor shout at me in comments section)
More at praveentheruffian.blogspot.com »
Overview :
User Rating: Awaiting
MOVIEmeter: Up xyz% in popularity this week. See why on blondie.
Directors: Ruffian
Writers: Ruffian
Release Date: 13 July 2010 (INDIA)
Genre: Drama | Thriller | Comedy |
Tagline: Sometimes Creativity Sucks
Plot: The story is about the following incidents
1. How to get cracked by accounting quiz
2. Interesting people and interesting quiz
3. How unlucky a person can be
4. Birthday Party
and it starts here...
Ruffian gets up at 8.45. The confidence is glowing on his face because yesterday night he was able to balance the transactions on balance sheet with out any problem.
His confidence level is at peak. The only thing that is flashing in his mind " Will I get 9 or 10 in the accounting quiz. I may lose 1 mark due to over confidence". The confidence is growing up minute by minute and started oozing out. He reached the exam hall 3 minutes before the alloted time. Normally he enters the hall at last second. This time its confidence that led him to go early. He prefers to sit in the last row. But since he is prepared, he is searching for a vacant seat in the first row. But he could get a place only in the last row. With all discomfort on this world, he adjusted there. The accounting subject madam has come to the hall. She said "All the best". Ruffian thinks that he doesn't need those as he is well prepared. Madam was announcing about the test details, but ruffian is more interested in solving the problem and leave the hall as quickly as possible before the confidence level goes down. The first shocker came when madam announced that "the total time for the test is 13 mins". Ruffian thinks its enough as "he is well prepared". The questions papers are distributed. Ruffian with a grin starts looking at the paper. Slowly the grin on his face turned invisible. The first question was a fill in the blank. He did not read the theory part. Only thing he knows is balance sheet. He left the question thinking "half mark questions can be solved at last". The second question was also a fill in the blank question. Ruffian dint even read the question as the question was 3 lines and he realized that reading 3 lines and understanding the question takes more than 2 minutes.
He wisely moved to next section a kind of multiple choice question (three choices). He read the first question. He did not understand. He thought for a while and read the next question. This time he is clueless. He realized the fact that he did not prepare for such a standard paper. So he started applying mathematics principles here. He wanted to find the expected value of score on these multiple choice questions. He solves the problem this way.
The probability of each choice turning out to be a correct answer is 1/3.
The probability of getting zero correct answer : 16/81
The probability of getting one correct answer : 32/81
The probability of getting two correct answer : 24/81
The probability of getting three correct answer : 8/81
The probability of getting four correct answer : 1/81 (highly unlikely)
Finally he calculated the expected value and it turned out to be : 1.33
Multiplying the final result by 0.5 he gets 0.66 marks.
On seeing the expected marks, ruffian felt very happy. He now feels that he cannot get zero if he marks all the answers with only one choice.
(The people who are reading this blog might be thinking that even a kid knows "by marking all the answers with a single choice he gets at least one answer correct. Ruffian too knows that. But he doesn't want to sit idle in the examination hall.)
Then comes the theory questions. The questions were so tricky. Ruffian got struck in the first question itself. Since he is a ruffian he doesn't want to go to next question. He wants to solve it at any cost. On the flip side the seconds hand is moving like lucknow sathabdhi express(the super fast train in India). Ruffian managed to write some crap and filled the gap. Then an announcement "students you are left with one minute". Hearing that ruffian felt happy that he was able to complete it "in time". The twist is that there are questions on other side of the paper too. When he flipped the paper, ruffian found 6 more questions. Four of them are fill ups where
he cannot write anonymous answers and two are multiple choice questions. This time ruffian is not left with any time to calculate the probability nor expected score. By that time, madam started collecting the answer sheets. Normally people smile during the exam when they over perform or under perform. Ruffian could not stop smiling.
When he was coming out of the examination hall, he could hear the voices
"how many questions did you solve ?"
"whats the last answer?"
"this is a crap paper"
"I dint do well"
"will the next quiz be of same type ??"
Sai, Ruffian's friend, says "what the hell (a little modified), what are these people thinking. Are they still in school to discuss about the test once it is finished. Will discussing the questions fetch them any marks ??"
Ruffian hearing this felt so happy. Ruffian starts to his room in search of the "oozed" confidence.
tomorrow THE STORY CONTINUES. Same time and same venue.
Now the time is 5.41. I have class at 9.15. I need some sleep. Take a break. I will do the same.
thats it for the day.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Thank you "Idiot" for your comments !!!
I hope arina(good friend and college mate) will be shocked seeing the title of the post.. I just wanted to dedicate few lines about her.. she was the person who was telling me, right from the day I gave my blog link to her, "your blog is good.. and i am addicted to it"... thank you soo much arina.. your words are inspiring me to continue writing my blog.. this time she gave her thoughts about my blog in comments section...
she told me not write about the comments, but "the inspiration" made me write this.. sooo.. arina should not blame me...
I got up at 9.30... Isaac and I were at the mess at 10.05.. we thought that the class starts at 10.15.. So we were in a hurry and eating the corn flaks at rocket speed.. To be frank.. I was not eating.. I was just drinking :)).. but I found few of my classmates eating so leisurely.. I thought that they might not turnup for the class.. we were at the class door by 10.14.50... When we opened the door.. to our surprise we found not even 20 students in the class.. We were puzzled.. and I asked a friend there.. he said.. class starts at 10.30... and u know what did Isaac said immediately.. " come lets go to the mess again " :))).. and my reaction - i was upset as I missed 15 minutes of sleep.. :(( ... Yesterday I went to bed at 5.30 a.m. till then I was designing some posters ... so I was feeling drowsy till I slept in the evening..
Quants class was okayish.. I was able to solve few problems.. then the economics class wake me up.. the supply demand curve was interesting.. at times I was out of track.. but I was dreaming of finding out the prices of a HP laptop by collecting the sample data.. but please do remember "its just a dream".. since the demand-supply topic is at initial stages... finding out the price is a cake-walk.. but there are so many factors on which the price of an article depends .. and these topics are yet to come.. sooo.. can my dream turns out to be true ???
The most interesting thing is that few of my friends have seen my blog on blondie.. and started asking me.. "are you praveen.ch".... I had some mixed reactions.. at times I take it in a positive way... but sometimes I am on the flip side.. as I may not have enough freedom to comment my friends :)).... so still indecisive whether to keep my blog in blondie.. :(((...
tomorrow I have a quiz.. so i am stopping here.. I dint prepare much.. Isaac taught me something.. I just have those concepts in my brain... :((... if mam gives an above average paper.. thats it..I am dead... :((...
anyways.. thats it for the day.. its already 3.30.. I may just have 5 hours of sleep..
she told me not write about the comments, but "the inspiration" made me write this.. sooo.. arina should not blame me...
I got up at 9.30... Isaac and I were at the mess at 10.05.. we thought that the class starts at 10.15.. So we were in a hurry and eating the corn flaks at rocket speed.. To be frank.. I was not eating.. I was just drinking :)).. but I found few of my classmates eating so leisurely.. I thought that they might not turnup for the class.. we were at the class door by 10.14.50... When we opened the door.. to our surprise we found not even 20 students in the class.. We were puzzled.. and I asked a friend there.. he said.. class starts at 10.30... and u know what did Isaac said immediately.. " come lets go to the mess again " :))).. and my reaction - i was upset as I missed 15 minutes of sleep.. :(( ... Yesterday I went to bed at 5.30 a.m. till then I was designing some posters ... so I was feeling drowsy till I slept in the evening..
Quants class was okayish.. I was able to solve few problems.. then the economics class wake me up.. the supply demand curve was interesting.. at times I was out of track.. but I was dreaming of finding out the prices of a HP laptop by collecting the sample data.. but please do remember "its just a dream".. since the demand-supply topic is at initial stages... finding out the price is a cake-walk.. but there are so many factors on which the price of an article depends .. and these topics are yet to come.. sooo.. can my dream turns out to be true ???
The most interesting thing is that few of my friends have seen my blog on blondie.. and started asking me.. "are you praveen.ch".... I had some mixed reactions.. at times I take it in a positive way... but sometimes I am on the flip side.. as I may not have enough freedom to comment my friends :)).... so still indecisive whether to keep my blog in blondie.. :(((...
tomorrow I have a quiz.. so i am stopping here.. I dint prepare much.. Isaac taught me something.. I just have those concepts in my brain... :((... if mam gives an above average paper.. thats it..I am dead... :((...
anyways.. thats it for the day.. its already 3.30.. I may just have 5 hours of sleep..
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
My blog is dating with Blondie !!!!
"The achievement" as of now is that the number of visitors(lucky ppl) to my blog crossed 1000... :))... Its been almost a month since I started my blog.. and I touched the first magic figure...
Yesterday I dint update my blog as I was busy with some committee interviews and was tired too.. some incidents to note were the task rounds allotted by committees.. I was in a group of people to whom the PRISM(marketing committee) alloted the designing stuff (five posters).. designing five posters at a time is a bit difficult task to handle.. but we were given ample time.. deadlines seem toooooo far.. but the tasks(Academic) are also increasing exponentially... so its a concern :(((...
We were suppose to submit master CV b/n 12 and 1 A.M.... I was waiting at senior's room for synapse(IT) interview at 12.10... :)).. somehow rescheduled to 1 A.M and went to library to submit my CV... Senior scrolled my CV down (just one page) and just said one thing "TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE" ... I too know that.. But I dont have other go rather than to submit what I am left with.. I dint allocate time for CV and thats where the problem was.. anyways.. I decided to work on CV at least one hour per day so that I can bring it into a shape from "TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE" to "AT LEAST ACCEPTABLE"..
My synapse task allocation round was goooood.. we both were on same frequency.. the codes we were discussing reminded me of the discussion I used to have with vijay at HSBC..
Yesterday I was surprised to see my blog appearing on the first page of Blondie(intranet portal)... I had no words.. I feel like my hands are tied now :(((...
Lets come to today's part..
I got up at 8.50... My brain was biased to bunk the college.. its not allowing me to get up... but balance sheet flashed in my mind.. it was laughing at me and saying " you dont know anything about accounting.. and if you bunk a class, u can count an "F" grade"... I am not kidding.. I am not at all solving any case studies in accounting.. and day after tomorrow we have a quiz... today I faced a very tough situation in FIN class.. I dint study the case study and I was not able to grasp what mam was saying.. I am writing this blog earlier then the usual time just to practice some problems related to balance sheet..
Communication class was too good.. we had a case study kinda thing.. and we were suppose to convince our group and come to a conclusion.. In my group five of us were supporting one character and our group lead was supporting the other character.. it was a hard time for her to convince five of us.. and it was the same for us too.. and finally professor's vote was for the character whom my group lead was supporting.. atleast she is happy that way... :)).. just kidding...
afternoon I had enough rest.. and I played TT for one hour.. I defeated Isaac for the first time.. it was a close match(22-20).. I am kid before them.. its like bangladesh winning against Aussies...
I was alloted few tasks by synapse team.. a video and some code... this weekend is the deadline..
I want to write something about the new follower of my blog.. my uncle.. raghu venkat.. I call him chinni chinnana... he is a kind of mentor in my personal life.. his suggestions were valuable.. he was the one who gave me the inspiration I needed when I was down to earth... I dont know whether he reads this or not.. he is like a godfather to me...he was the only person who appreciated me when I opted to leave Vasavi college of engineering for Pondicherry Engineering college.. by the way.. he gave me the laptop from which I am blogging now :).. the wallpaper in my mobile is his daughter's photo in which she was giving a lovely pose of an innocent smile... thanks a lot chinnana....
Yesterday the visitors count was at 197 and today its at 90.. (all time high).. hehehe...
Yesterday I dint update my blog as I was busy with some committee interviews and was tired too.. some incidents to note were the task rounds allotted by committees.. I was in a group of people to whom the PRISM(marketing committee) alloted the designing stuff (five posters).. designing five posters at a time is a bit difficult task to handle.. but we were given ample time.. deadlines seem toooooo far.. but the tasks(Academic) are also increasing exponentially... so its a concern :(((...
We were suppose to submit master CV b/n 12 and 1 A.M.... I was waiting at senior's room for synapse(IT) interview at 12.10... :)).. somehow rescheduled to 1 A.M and went to library to submit my CV... Senior scrolled my CV down (just one page) and just said one thing "TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE" ... I too know that.. But I dont have other go rather than to submit what I am left with.. I dint allocate time for CV and thats where the problem was.. anyways.. I decided to work on CV at least one hour per day so that I can bring it into a shape from "TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE" to "AT LEAST ACCEPTABLE"..
My synapse task allocation round was goooood.. we both were on same frequency.. the codes we were discussing reminded me of the discussion I used to have with vijay at HSBC..
Yesterday I was surprised to see my blog appearing on the first page of Blondie(intranet portal)... I had no words.. I feel like my hands are tied now :(((...
Lets come to today's part..
I got up at 8.50... My brain was biased to bunk the college.. its not allowing me to get up... but balance sheet flashed in my mind.. it was laughing at me and saying " you dont know anything about accounting.. and if you bunk a class, u can count an "F" grade"... I am not kidding.. I am not at all solving any case studies in accounting.. and day after tomorrow we have a quiz... today I faced a very tough situation in FIN class.. I dint study the case study and I was not able to grasp what mam was saying.. I am writing this blog earlier then the usual time just to practice some problems related to balance sheet..
Communication class was too good.. we had a case study kinda thing.. and we were suppose to convince our group and come to a conclusion.. In my group five of us were supporting one character and our group lead was supporting the other character.. it was a hard time for her to convince five of us.. and it was the same for us too.. and finally professor's vote was for the character whom my group lead was supporting.. atleast she is happy that way... :)).. just kidding...
afternoon I had enough rest.. and I played TT for one hour.. I defeated Isaac for the first time.. it was a close match(22-20).. I am kid before them.. its like bangladesh winning against Aussies...
I was alloted few tasks by synapse team.. a video and some code... this weekend is the deadline..
I want to write something about the new follower of my blog.. my uncle.. raghu venkat.. I call him chinni chinnana... he is a kind of mentor in my personal life.. his suggestions were valuable.. he was the one who gave me the inspiration I needed when I was down to earth... I dont know whether he reads this or not.. he is like a godfather to me...he was the only person who appreciated me when I opted to leave Vasavi college of engineering for Pondicherry Engineering college.. by the way.. he gave me the laptop from which I am blogging now :).. the wallpaper in my mobile is his daughter's photo in which she was giving a lovely pose of an innocent smile... thanks a lot chinnana....
Yesterday the visitors count was at 197 and today its at 90.. (all time high).. hehehe...
Monday, July 5, 2010
m thr33 rocks !!!
I got up at 8.30...
"its very tough to go to work/school on monday morning" ..my best friend always used to say these words.. and now I am really feeling that... :))..
at college, the first session was on finance.. It was like zaheer khan facing the bouncers of brett lee.. I dont know what to write here.. its "beyond greek and latin".. but by the end of class I felt like brett lee bowled a full toss and zaheer hit a six... finally I understood something.. I decided that I should solve some problems in the afternoon.. next class was on BIO.. I was reading the material and listening to the lecture.. I felt I was able to grasp something... then final class was on communication.. the most intersting thing about the class was that we had a video on nonverbal communication.. it was gooood.. it illustrated what all the mistakes we do and how we can tackle them... a good presentation...
afternoon I went to bank to know about my loan process.. but not even 1% of my work was done there.. I was helpless :((.. to be frank the levels of frustration reached 100%.. I felt like I was wasting time sitting there... I came back to room..took a nap..
Evening I played TT with saurabh, digvijay and other guy(I dont remember his name)..
I won singles match against digvijay.. heheehe.. he was tired by that time and hence it was an easy win for me...
the most disappointing part of the day was that I was not shortlisted for second round of bhavishya interview.. I felt very very bad about it.. I thought as member of bhavishya it would fetch me enough experience in setting up my NGO.. I dont know what went wrong.. anyways I need to accept that.. no other go...
the most surprising part of the day was.. treat given by m thr33 seniors to juniors.. by the way m3 is an index team.. Index is a disguised fair about marketing.. the treat was with loads of fun.. I need to thank pooja .. its just because of pooja I am into that team.. we came back to campus by 11.30.. then kiran gave an idea about index... after the meet I accompained my senior till gult induction spot and then I shunned.. I was feeling tired and hence I dint feel like attending the gult induction..
By the way its been an year since I am out of HSBC.. I still remember how my last day went on.. I remember the last mail .. the pain I took... the happiness I lost.. But I still have some feelings left for HSBC.. its the place where I learnt so many things.. indeed I cannot get a replica of my life at HSBC...
thats it for the day...
"its very tough to go to work/school on monday morning" ..my best friend always used to say these words.. and now I am really feeling that... :))..
at college, the first session was on finance.. It was like zaheer khan facing the bouncers of brett lee.. I dont know what to write here.. its "beyond greek and latin".. but by the end of class I felt like brett lee bowled a full toss and zaheer hit a six... finally I understood something.. I decided that I should solve some problems in the afternoon.. next class was on BIO.. I was reading the material and listening to the lecture.. I felt I was able to grasp something... then final class was on communication.. the most intersting thing about the class was that we had a video on nonverbal communication.. it was gooood.. it illustrated what all the mistakes we do and how we can tackle them... a good presentation...
afternoon I went to bank to know about my loan process.. but not even 1% of my work was done there.. I was helpless :((.. to be frank the levels of frustration reached 100%.. I felt like I was wasting time sitting there... I came back to room..took a nap..
Evening I played TT with saurabh, digvijay and other guy(I dont remember his name)..
I won singles match against digvijay.. heheehe.. he was tired by that time and hence it was an easy win for me...
the most disappointing part of the day was that I was not shortlisted for second round of bhavishya interview.. I felt very very bad about it.. I thought as member of bhavishya it would fetch me enough experience in setting up my NGO.. I dont know what went wrong.. anyways I need to accept that.. no other go...
the most surprising part of the day was.. treat given by m thr33 seniors to juniors.. by the way m3 is an index team.. Index is a disguised fair about marketing.. the treat was with loads of fun.. I need to thank pooja .. its just because of pooja I am into that team.. we came back to campus by 11.30.. then kiran gave an idea about index... after the meet I accompained my senior till gult induction spot and then I shunned.. I was feeling tired and hence I dint feel like attending the gult induction..
By the way its been an year since I am out of HSBC.. I still remember how my last day went on.. I remember the last mail .. the pain I took... the happiness I lost.. But I still have some feelings left for HSBC.. its the place where I learnt so many things.. indeed I cannot get a replica of my life at HSBC...
thats it for the day...
Sunday, July 4, 2010
"the mime" at PARICHAY got a standing ovation !!!
I got up at 11..
today we are suppose to get our affidavit signed.. so till 2.30 I was busy with that work... it was a hectic job.. bharadwaj and I had some miserable experience standing at the student affairs office..of course its just not two of us.. almost all the students standing there were drenching in sweat... its so humid out there...
I slept in the evening.. and all of sudden I remembered we had freshers party starting at 5.30.. and the time was 6.30... Finally I made it to PARICHAY (freshers party)...
I could barely hear anything that was being told on the stage as there was lot of buzz from seniors.. most students there enjoyed only dance shows.. at last my favorite of the day "the mime show" started.. initially I thought that it was just like the other shows that went on till then.. but the show just made me feel emotional with in a minute it started.. it was a good performance by our batch mates.. the show was about the life of farmer and how his son turned into a naxalite... the show had some good twists.. the best part is that it got standing ovation... thats really great, isnt it ? Few participants in that show were aravinthan, rahul, namitha, amogh... kudos to them...
there were some dance performances by rahul.. and my class CR charu was also a part of one performance.. anyways.. I would like to say its a good attempt by our batch...
after dinner.. I started doing the assignment given by Fin mam... first question was easy.. but the real problem started from then onwards especially the second one.. I couldnt solve it at ease.. so I started reading the theory part before that question.. But its also of no use.. finally I made a replica of Isaac's answer.. i am still not able to understand the solution..
I have posted a week back about the counseling of lokesh's brother.. today lokesh informed me that his brother got into some govt college under CSE branch.. I wish him all the best..
thats it for the day...
today we are suppose to get our affidavit signed.. so till 2.30 I was busy with that work... it was a hectic job.. bharadwaj and I had some miserable experience standing at the student affairs office..of course its just not two of us.. almost all the students standing there were drenching in sweat... its so humid out there...
I slept in the evening.. and all of sudden I remembered we had freshers party starting at 5.30.. and the time was 6.30... Finally I made it to PARICHAY (freshers party)...
I could barely hear anything that was being told on the stage as there was lot of buzz from seniors.. most students there enjoyed only dance shows.. at last my favorite of the day "the mime show" started.. initially I thought that it was just like the other shows that went on till then.. but the show just made me feel emotional with in a minute it started.. it was a good performance by our batch mates.. the show was about the life of farmer and how his son turned into a naxalite... the show had some good twists.. the best part is that it got standing ovation... thats really great, isnt it ? Few participants in that show were aravinthan, rahul, namitha, amogh... kudos to them...
there were some dance performances by rahul.. and my class CR charu was also a part of one performance.. anyways.. I would like to say its a good attempt by our batch...
after dinner.. I started doing the assignment given by Fin mam... first question was easy.. but the real problem started from then onwards especially the second one.. I couldnt solve it at ease.. so I started reading the theory part before that question.. But its also of no use.. finally I made a replica of Isaac's answer.. i am still not able to understand the solution..
I have posted a week back about the counseling of lokesh's brother.. today lokesh informed me that his brother got into some govt college under CSE branch.. I wish him all the best..
thats it for the day...
Saturday, July 3, 2010
business school.. business formal... then ???
I dint blog yesterday.. its too personal to tell about yesterday.. I was being haunted by my past.. the "good past" is making me feel bad for what I have done.. anyways.. I cannot change it now.. but my heart is not accepting that :(... I am tired of thinking about my past..
I got up at 9... took ample time to brush.. to bath and for breakfast.. I solved a problem given to us, a kind of exercise in QAM... we had only one class and its on quants... after quants class.. my real day started with posting a letter to IIM K, requesting the admissions office to cancel my offer.... then my third trip to lucknow..
this time its with Isaac, digvijay and rohith..
Isaac bought a laptop... digvijay and I bought a blazer.. but shopping was hectic.. we were in the business of shopping for more than 4 hours.. whenever I go to shopping with my mom/sis/aunty.. I used to wonder what they do for hours.. but now I came to know what they do for hours... :)))... we came back to hostel by 9...
I dint have dinner.. as we all had the kfc's chicken pieces in our stomach.. :)).. So Isaac and I had noodles at 11.30 @ click and pick(I dont know the exact name of that shop :)) )... we had some funny conversation when Isaac was telling about his past...
I had a tough time installing DC++ in Isaac's laptop.. I took more than 3 hours but couldnt succeed.. that software is taming me with the principle "never give up"... I will find out its logic sooooooooooooon...
Yesterday I had bhavishya interview.. it was more about my past works related to social activities and some HR questions.. it was a good interview... but I feel I dint do well as the other two interviews were better than this.. but bhavishya is the committee that i am most interested... :((((...
today I was chatting with my senior on gtalk.. I was in a rush to go to mess.. I told him about some thing and finally told "plzz bare"... then the immediate response from the senior was
xyz: ok, just for th record it is not bare
at least in this context
then I realized my mistake :))).. and I seriously dint mean that way.. and do remember that bear and bare are same(present tense/past tense)... I read in some book.. and you can refer in dictionary.com too... this is a perfect example for miscommunication through misword .. this is what we are learning in our communication classes..
coming to the title of post.. I joined in a business school.. bought a business formal.. and then... now can I start my business ??? please help me in choosing the right platform for my business.. I welcome your ideas.. :))...
I got a new fan... my senior praveen sir.. once again thank youuuuuuuuu..
by the way... the last post was the only post which touched more than 60 pageloads with in 5-6 hours since I have published...
I got two comments too.. one from arina and the other from praveen sir.. thanks for your comments :)))..
thats it for the day...
I got up at 9... took ample time to brush.. to bath and for breakfast.. I solved a problem given to us, a kind of exercise in QAM... we had only one class and its on quants... after quants class.. my real day started with posting a letter to IIM K, requesting the admissions office to cancel my offer.... then my third trip to lucknow..
this time its with Isaac, digvijay and rohith..
Isaac bought a laptop... digvijay and I bought a blazer.. but shopping was hectic.. we were in the business of shopping for more than 4 hours.. whenever I go to shopping with my mom/sis/aunty.. I used to wonder what they do for hours.. but now I came to know what they do for hours... :)))... we came back to hostel by 9...
I dint have dinner.. as we all had the kfc's chicken pieces in our stomach.. :)).. So Isaac and I had noodles at 11.30 @ click and pick(I dont know the exact name of that shop :)) )... we had some funny conversation when Isaac was telling about his past...
I had a tough time installing DC++ in Isaac's laptop.. I took more than 3 hours but couldnt succeed.. that software is taming me with the principle "never give up"... I will find out its logic sooooooooooooon...
Yesterday I had bhavishya interview.. it was more about my past works related to social activities and some HR questions.. it was a good interview... but I feel I dint do well as the other two interviews were better than this.. but bhavishya is the committee that i am most interested... :((((...
today I was chatting with my senior on gtalk.. I was in a rush to go to mess.. I told him about some thing and finally told "plzz bare"... then the immediate response from the senior was
xyz: ok, just for th record it is not bare
at least in this context
then I realized my mistake :))).. and I seriously dint mean that way.. and do remember that bear and bare are same(present tense/past tense)... I read in some book.. and you can refer in dictionary.com too... this is a perfect example for miscommunication through misword .. this is what we are learning in our communication classes..
coming to the title of post.. I joined in a business school.. bought a business formal.. and then... now can I start my business ??? please help me in choosing the right platform for my business.. I welcome your ideas.. :))...
I got a new fan... my senior praveen sir.. once again thank youuuuuuuuu..
by the way... the last post was the only post which touched more than 60 pageloads with in 5-6 hours since I have published...
I got two comments too.. one from arina and the other from praveen sir.. thanks for your comments :)))..
thats it for the day...
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Two interviews are done.. !!!
got up at 9.30....
again today I dint have breakfast.. seems I may forget the term breakfast in a month or so...
today we had quant classes.. it started with probability.. I dont want to comment anything as of now.. the next class was on managerial economics.. we have a project submission, a class assignment and finally an assignment on journals.. ppl started to feel the "real" heat.. there was absolute concentration in managerial economics class.. those who sleep regularly were also paying 200 % attention in that class.. But I think we will be fundas in this subject by the end of this term..... :))) ...
Afternoon,I started to prepare my CV.. I was laughing a lot when I was preparing my CV.. because My past reminds of the hard work I did and the "hard"work I am doing now.. I prepared my CV targeting few things - good at creative skills, good at learning skills and finally good at CSR activities... these three things cover my areas of interest...
I slept for 2 hours in the afternoon..
then the real day started... I always do the things at 11th hour.. and it happened again.. My interview was scheduled at 10.10... at 9.50 I was still at Computer Center waiting for some senior to press "PRINT" button on the computer screen.. we, juniors, still did not get the ids..so we cannot take printouts as of now.. so we need to rely on seniors.. I was lucky enough to find a senior at 10 PM.. and 10.02.. the time at which I had two copies of CV in my hand.. I need to tell one thing about the senior.. by that time he had helped two more juniors.. I was the third.. :)) ... I started running to find out the interview room.. and I found out the room after 10 mins.. but again I am lucky enough.. though I was there at the room by 10.15, the previous person's(Raghu) interview was still going on.. thank god.. I entered the room.. then............................... I DONT WANT TO WRITE ANYTHING ABOUT THE INTERVIEW.. because seniors asked me to share my blog id.. if i share my interview experience here.. they may think in a positive way or in negative way.. But I seriously dont want either of them.. :))) ..
Then... the interview for SYNAPSE.. actually my interview was scheduled at 11.30 in room no : 203.. But room number 203 was closed.. and a code was written on a sheet of paper and kept near the door.. the code contains where the interview is going to be held.. it looks something like this..
if (interview == synapse)
room no = 206 * (3/2)
else bla bla bla...( I dont remember)...
This creative thing really impressed me.. thats funny... synapse interview is a kind of formal introduction...
I have a couple of things to share..
Mr.Kiran from senior batch contacted me after knowing about my interests in design and animation.. I am feeling so happy about that.. because kiran is from the group which won the prize in the INDEX last year...
I literally killed digvijay ... I was in a mood to show my college video(around 300mb file) to him.. so I made him to install DC++ (a platform to share our files on LAN).. he had couple of issues installing it.. But I dint let him go.. we resolved those issues and I shared the video in DC++... finally he saw that video.. he is lucky enough rite ??? ;).... hehehe
finally.. the best thing..
My senior.. mentor.. the one who made me famous in first year.. praveen sir (final year student and both of us share the same name)... had a chat with me.. I heard a big surprise from him
He said that he was following my blog..I am sooooooooo happy.. thank you praveen..
I need to tell few things about him.. he was the one with whom I interacted too much in the first year.. He used to stay with us till 3 midnight.. he used to come to my room and read the news paper..I remember him asking us to talk on few general topics.. and one topic I still remember is about "creating/destroying the energy"..
here is the chat I want to share...
praveenz.arithmetic: Okis
Haha take ur time
FYI, I have been reading posts from ur blog for quite sometime now
praveenz.arithmetic: There u go..
Well if I were u ; I would have said "fav junior"
these are the best lines any junior want to hear.. rite ??
Now I have those two lines with me.. I am sooo happy..
anyways.. thats it for the day..
again today I dint have breakfast.. seems I may forget the term breakfast in a month or so...
today we had quant classes.. it started with probability.. I dont want to comment anything as of now.. the next class was on managerial economics.. we have a project submission, a class assignment and finally an assignment on journals.. ppl started to feel the "real" heat.. there was absolute concentration in managerial economics class.. those who sleep regularly were also paying 200 % attention in that class.. But I think we will be fundas in this subject by the end of this term..... :))) ...
Afternoon,I started to prepare my CV.. I was laughing a lot when I was preparing my CV.. because My past reminds of the hard work I did and the "hard"work I am doing now.. I prepared my CV targeting few things - good at creative skills, good at learning skills and finally good at CSR activities... these three things cover my areas of interest...
I slept for 2 hours in the afternoon..
then the real day started... I always do the things at 11th hour.. and it happened again.. My interview was scheduled at 10.10... at 9.50 I was still at Computer Center waiting for some senior to press "PRINT" button on the computer screen.. we, juniors, still did not get the ids..so we cannot take printouts as of now.. so we need to rely on seniors.. I was lucky enough to find a senior at 10 PM.. and 10.02.. the time at which I had two copies of CV in my hand.. I need to tell one thing about the senior.. by that time he had helped two more juniors.. I was the third.. :)) ... I started running to find out the interview room.. and I found out the room after 10 mins.. but again I am lucky enough.. though I was there at the room by 10.15, the previous person's(Raghu) interview was still going on.. thank god.. I entered the room.. then............................... I DONT WANT TO WRITE ANYTHING ABOUT THE INTERVIEW.. because seniors asked me to share my blog id.. if i share my interview experience here.. they may think in a positive way or in negative way.. But I seriously dont want either of them.. :))) ..
Then... the interview for SYNAPSE.. actually my interview was scheduled at 11.30 in room no : 203.. But room number 203 was closed.. and a code was written on a sheet of paper and kept near the door.. the code contains where the interview is going to be held.. it looks something like this..
if (interview == synapse)
room no = 206 * (3/2)
else bla bla bla...( I dont remember)...
This creative thing really impressed me.. thats funny... synapse interview is a kind of formal introduction...
I have a couple of things to share..
Mr.Kiran from senior batch contacted me after knowing about my interests in design and animation.. I am feeling so happy about that.. because kiran is from the group which won the prize in the INDEX last year...
I literally killed digvijay ... I was in a mood to show my college video(around 300mb file) to him.. so I made him to install DC++ (a platform to share our files on LAN).. he had couple of issues installing it.. But I dint let him go.. we resolved those issues and I shared the video in DC++... finally he saw that video.. he is lucky enough rite ??? ;).... hehehe
finally.. the best thing..
My senior.. mentor.. the one who made me famous in first year.. praveen sir (final year student and both of us share the same name)... had a chat with me.. I heard a big surprise from him
He said that he was following my blog..I am sooooooooo happy.. thank you praveen..
I need to tell few things about him.. he was the one with whom I interacted too much in the first year.. He used to stay with us till 3 midnight.. he used to come to my room and read the news paper..I remember him asking us to talk on few general topics.. and one topic I still remember is about "creating/destroying the energy"..
here is the chat I want to share...
praveenz.arithmetic: Okis
Haha take ur time
FYI, I have been reading posts from ur blog for quite sometime now
praveenz.arithmetic: There u go..
Well if I were u ; I would have said "fav junior"
these are the best lines any junior want to hear.. rite ??
Now I have those two lines with me.. I am sooo happy..
anyways.. thats it for the day..
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