"whats going on!! " ... this line has been appearing constantly in chat window for the past 10-15 days... and it is related to my blog... most of my friends have been asking - "why are you not updating the blog ?? "... to be frank I have no answer.. its just because of my laziness or just because of work (over loaded)... today I am writing the blog just because as of now my mind is in a very different state. This week I have bunked 4 classes (2 in 1 subject and 1 in 2 subjects)... I seriously dont know whether I bunked it for the sake of an useful purpose... now I am feeling guilty for what I did.. yesterday I spoke with one of the seniors.. he mentioned one point "u need to set your own priorities and act according to it..."... I dont know what my priorities are !!! ... some times I feel "extra curricular activities are better than acads" and "some times with out acads whats the use of extra curriculars :( ". I need to set the things.
anyways, lets see whats ruffian has been doing for the last 10-15 days...
some snapshots which ruffian cannot forget..
WILD PEACOCK (Story is little exaggerated)
Have you ever heard of a man being chased by peacock? It happened at IIM hel'L'.
Its 5 'o' clock in the morning. Ruffian's friend(xyz) just got up. On seeing the beautiful climate xyz felt like jagging is the best thing. He got ready and started. The initial speed was 1 kmph and slowly the speed (in linear relationship with time) has picked up. He was on the road where no one is present. He felt "whats this yaar, people dont know how to enjoy the such a beautiful climate!!". All of sudden he saw peahen. On seeing it, XYZ felt "such a beautiful bird !!! ". But he then realized he was being chased. He dint know what was the speed he picked up, no time to think and he came back running to the hostel. He told this to his friends.
Now the real funda !! Friends started thinking "what could be possible reason"
They were discussing like this -- "he is wearing peacock color shirt !! " , "nahin yaar !!! he might have chased peacock and hence peahen got angry !!!" , "no yaar, he might have plucked two of its feathers !! ". This went on till ruffian's friends were tired of laughing.
But the ultimate conclusion from xyz was "hare yaar !! yeah peacocks be jyadha wild hai". :) .
Ruffian in to SYNAPSE
Ruffian got selected in to synapse committee (related to IT). He was very happy seeing his name in the selected people. But ruffian's friend gave such a propaganda before the day of results, every one was asking ruffian "it seems you are almost selected in to synapse committee !!! ". Hearing that ruffian felt in two ways.
1. "wow, i am so happy hearing that. So many people are thinking that I am almost in. Its a pay off for my work."
2."what if I am not selected. How can I show my face to these people. Please sai stop this !!"
But point number 1 was the ultimate result. The treat given by the seniors of synapse committee was too good. Ruffian enjoyed a lot in terms of the dishes he ate and also in terms of the interaction he had with them. We were asked to say something that was the craziest of all the things he have done in his life till that point. Ruffian told about the "CD given to a tall girl (dont want to disclose her name) at PEC" and some incidents at HSBC Glt. But Ruffian's stories always ended with a sad note. More interestingly Ruffian thought that Atul(one of the senior members in team synapse) was cool and calm, but his assumption was so wrong. He is the most talkative of all. He gave insights about so many senior gals out here at L. Thanks Atul !!!!
Ruffian's Midterm Exams
Ruffian went to City just a day before the exam. People think that "his confidence levels are high". But he went to city just because of his worst planning in buying the things. He postponed the trip to city and dragged it to the end where there was no other go rather than going to city. But ruffian prepared very well for the exam.
The exam starts at 10 and ends at 11.30. Ruffian hates going early to examination hall and tension creeps up and may effect in the performance. But the admin office wants all the students to be in atleast 5 mins before the scheduled start time. For the first day ruffian dint want to take chances. He went to the class before 15 mins. Ruffian friends are discussing - "how to calculate the depreciation ? are you sure is that the way ? Please explain me more on that (how on this earth can a person explain "more" just before the exam)". The exam started, on seeing the paper ruffian felt a bit happy as he at least understood what the questions are. One of the instructions in the question paper was "please use your time properly or you may end up in not answering few questions". Ruffian laughed seeing at it as he thinks the question paper was easy. There were a total of 5 questions and the last question carries 27 marks. After first question is finished, ruffian is left with 70 mins. So he wanted to quicken the pace and started solving the second one and finished it. Now he is left with 45 mins :( . Increasing the rate at which he is solving the question, he finished it and now he is left with 20 mins. Two questions left and now ruffian realized the exact meaning of the instruction in the question paper. Ruffian solved only half of the final question and that too he was not confident on what he was writing.
Learning : Never laugh at the instructions given in the question paper.This time Ruffian got a wild dream.
Its 9.53 and ruffian started for the exam. He reached the exam hall by 9.55.49. When he was approaching the exam hall he was stopped by admin guy and told him "you are late betaa !". Ruffian says "No sir, its still 9.55". Admin guy "Dont you know the instructions ??" . Ruffian "Instructions ? (who reads all those. I dont have time to read the subject itself !!)". Admin guy "I cannot allow you to the exam !!". Ruffian "Sir, please sir. I prepared very hard for this exam". Admin guy "sorry beta. I cant help it. Rules are rules". Ruffian in his heart "I dint come late and why am I not being allowed!! :(". Finally admin guy says "You will be allowed only after 15 mins ". Ruffian shakes his head and thinks "time god atleast I can attempt 4 out of 5 questions". During that 15 mins break, ruffian with a tensed face was looking here and there. Mean while admin guy comes and says "You need not worry. Your mam sets an easy level question paper and you can easily answer them with in an hour if you are prepared well". Ruffian feels happy hearing that. Admin guys adds one more point "I am student friendly". (I dont want to comment on this. You can thin what was going through my mind hearing that "friendly" sentence). Finally ruffian enters the examination hall. Everyone is seriously writing the answers and ruffian too. But the difficulty level was too high. Even one and half hour might not have been sufficient. So ruffian with a tense mind wrote answers half heartedly and it was such a flop show for him on that day.
Learning : Even if you dont know the subject, you should know the rules of exam by heart.----------------------------------------------------------
RUFFIAN a photoshop PRO
Ruffian's life style for the past four days. Get up at 9 go to college, come back by 2. Open laptop then ADOBE PHOTOSHOP and start designing. Go for snacks and then disha sessions come back and start designing. Go for dinner, come back and again start designing. Ruffian started hating photoshop.
Thats it for the day.
My blog touched with benchmark of 2000 visitors.
Ruffian says "thanks"
here are few snapshots of ruffian's creativity