Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Another ad ...

We have a subject for which we are suppose to create an ad for a product that we choose. We need to apply all the concepts that we have learnt in the subject for that ad. It was funny.

Here is the link to that ad.. Can you guess what that ad is about ??

There are few concepts like - humor appeal - emotional appeal - high/low involvement to know about the product..

Since we have selected a product that falls under service sector, it would not be the similar way that we create an ad for a normal product like soap/jam etc. For a service industry (like banking), the ad should indicate both the information about the product - loans, and an emotional appeal to attract the customers. Especially in banking industry its about trust on the bank that works (most of the times). Its just some kind of information for those we are interested in marketing :).

I was shocked to see the number of views(550) for my college video - eternals@pec. Till now, it has the maximum views of all the videos that I have created.

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