Friday, October 22, 2010

Ruffian aka Lazybones

Yes, Ruffian is the best example of lazybones. In the last term Ruffian hardly slept 4 hrs a day. Now he is hardly awake 8 - 9 hours a day. Yesterday Ruffian slept for almost 14 hours.

Today is not a great day. I got almost least marks in QAM II (Mathematics). I was in hyderabad last week so couldnt prepare for the quiz and it truly reflected in my marks. I just got 3.5 out of 10. Only 3 fellows excluding me were below 4 marks. I dont know what to say now. I felt very bad about my position. I was in 11th position in QAM during first term. I bunked QAM classes so frequently that I am not able to get a grip on what prof is teaching at present. Today's marketing class was like hell. We were asked to talk about book fair. In my group Raghu and I prepared the PPT. But both of us were not willing to go and present and none of the others in my batch were also ready. I got irritated. Anyways our group dint get a chance to give Presentation.

Yesterday a funny incident took place during QAM class. When the class was going on Sneha opened a water bottle. But soon she realized that it was not a water bottle instead it was a cool drink. Prof noticed that the Carbon dioxide in the bottle made a sound (hizzzzzz) when she uncapped and told her "you are not suppose to bring the food items to the class". Then she replied "Sir, even I dont know about this until I opened. Sorry for this". Thats why I dont even take a bottle to the class :) (Not that I am lazy). In marketing class, Prof flooded in too many concepts. At a point of time I felt marketing is not my area of interest any more. Operations class is like a relaxation session for the whole class. Hardly 10 people listen what Professor is teaching. Please do not include me in that 10. Priyanka and Anurag were playing TIC TAC TOE. Something flashed in my mind seeing that. I like TIC TAC TOE for some reasons that cannot be disclosed. Then priyanka and anurag shifted to fill in the letters game, where priyanka thinks about a movie name and asks us to guess. It was so hard. Priyanka gave "JUNGLEE". We took so much time. I am not that great at hindi hence took some time. Then she asked us to guess a hollywood movie. This time it is "JUMANJI". I guessed it correctly but took so many options. By the time I guessed the movie name, the time was 1.15. And its the time where class ends and we go for lunch :).

In operations class, I went through FORBES magazine. I read about a billionaire who is just 36 years old. I felt - its really great. But I am not dreaming nor aiming for that. I have a different goal to achieve

Yesterday we had a project submission. It was about book fair. We did a survey in book fair. The survey was very funny for obvious reasons. We had few snaps out there. The highlight was Boppa. He went to interview a person. I was standing 10 meters away from them. When Boppa was interviewing, I could see some grin in his face at times. The survey went on for 45 minutes. I thought boppa was getting so many insights. But later on I found that Boppa was being tortured by him. He was a lawyer. Boppa was in casuals wearing chappals and t-shirt. The lawyer questioned him about all that. "HOw can an IIM graduate be like that ?" He asked boppa many questions for which he had no clue. When we all came to know about that we couldnt stop laughing. Time God I was near by and dint go and join that survey. :).

Yesterday WEC (written communication skills) madam gave us answer sheets. I got 2 out of 4. Two days back, I told priyanka and Anurag about my quiz marks that I couldnt even cross 50% in any of the quizzes conducted till then. Priyanka remembered that and told me when I had WEC answer sheet in my hand "Praveen you got 50% na. You must be happy rite ?". I dont know whether to laugh or cry for that question :( :).

I have a presentation to attend at 5.45. Before that I need to play TT.

Tomorrow I have a quiz. Its do or die situation. Wish me all the best.

By the way I uploaded a snake's pic under " wild life at hel'L' " in Got Bored section at the top right corner. It was found near Hostel 15. I am in hostel 11 :)

Thats it

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