Nothing much to write....
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
A bit tensed :(((
Its been 3 days... I dint meet any of my friends. I went out twice to meet doctor. Tomorrow I am gonna have a small surgery. Two of my teeth are going to be removed.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Just Six more days left :(((
Almost one day is over... I am just left with six more days to stay at Hyderabad....
The journey was not boring.. Sai and I watched the movie... orange.. then the town... and then winded-up with comedy scenes of Dubai seenu... The others were busy in sleeping...
Yesterday I just had 2hrs of sleep. I prepared very hard for the Marketing exam. But sir surprised us giving a very different paper. Question paper had just 4 questions and one big question about practical application of "service marketing by IIM L". When I was answering that question, I laughed so many times as I was boosting so much about my college.
Back to life at hyd :::
at 7.09 PM... the flight landed at rajiv gandhi international stadium.... Till 7.40, I was waiting for my luggage... The distance between air port and my home is around 20kms.. it could be the shortest when compared to the others... on the way to home.... I dint notice anything new on those roads... ofcourse in 3 months course nothing could have happened drastically rite ?.... but still ... I wished for a change.....
I reached home around 8.20... The first thing my parents noticed about me was that I was in a bad position interms of health condition. During exams time, I had all sort of health problems. I had cough, cold and toothache too. But I dint take medicine, on a continuous basis, to get rid of them. The painkillers leave a drowsy effect and I cannot afford to sleep so long during exam times. The cough got worsened by the time I reached home. The first thing I did after coming home was to go to a hospital. Now I feel I am okay.
So many plans ahead...
Thursday, December 23, 2010
With all smiles on my face.. going to Hyderabad
Exams are done.. Today is a shocker. Paper was not tough.
Flight is at 2.45.....
Will update after reaching Hyd....
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
I have just come to my room after finishing QAM exam. When I was going through the question paper, I felt as if I was watching an horror movie. Out of five questions... I know only 2. I need to get good marks to keep myself in a good position interms of grades. But, its turning out to be a distant dream. I couldn't understand two questions and how to go ahead. The question paper was set by other prof and that could be "just" an another reason. Adding to it, my preparation was not that great. QAM is my favorite subject and I am almost standing last in terms of grades.
Tomorrow we are gonna face an another tough paper - Economics.
Not in a mood to write.. Thats it for today
Still my hands are paining :((((
Today there were nine questions in the paper and I filled two pages for each answer on an average. That means I have written around 18 pages. The time limit was two hours. It was such a pain for a lazy guy like me and still I can feel that pain :(((. Idiots write comments and make me happy there by relieving my pain :)). I know u guys might not like this logic but accept it.
The paper was relatively easy but lengthy just like OM paper. There was a question on application of few concepts that were taught in the class. I was wondering how to answer that question as I hardly listen her classes.
Tomorrow we have QAM(mathematics) exam. I just completed reading the slides and time for us to solve the problem sets. We are solving it for the first time and there are so many problems to solve and more importantly so many formulae to by-heart.
Thats it for now...
Monday, December 20, 2010
Proud of Isaac !!!!!!
Exams are going on. Every one is busy with his/her preparation. At this moment who will spend time on his/her own belief/religion ??.. Isaac did it. He organized Christmas party in our college. (Some carols and guest lecture ). I really liked this aspect. He gives max preference for these kind of things. During last term, just a day before FRA (accounting) exam he went to church. He never misses going to church. For today's function, around 50 people attended. Though the number is less, but at this moment I believe its a good turn out. Professor too attended the function.
Its been exactly 11 months since I have been church and it was during the times when I prayed each and every God.
The funniest part is the photos captured by Raghu. All the photos he captured had an extra effect - "blur".
I uploaded few photos (myself,raghu and Isaac) in flicker (the blurred and other non-blurred pics too).
I bet you will laugh seeing these photos.. (hardly one can recognize anything)
Coming back to exams.....
Today we had a lengthy question paper for operations management. I dont know how I wrote. I dint do theory questions well but did numerical pretty well. The way Raghu and I prepared for the exam was amazing. We completed the whole text book in less than 2 hours. The exam was at 2 pm. Raghu came to my room at 12. We started practicing numericals. That was the first time I was practicing numericals. With in 2 hours we completed the whole text book and appeared for the exam. All the answers related to numerical problems were correct (Except one). But the theory part was not that good. I dont know what to write for few basic questions because I dint read the text book at all.
During exam prof came to our room and told - "There is one mistake in the question paper". I was wondering what could be the mistake and I set myself ready with all my concentration on listening to whats the mistake prof is gonna announce. Professor told - "There is a spelling mistake. Refer to question 4 b. There it should be "EXPLAIN" not "EXPALIN". I couldnt stop laughing hearing that change. The paper was relatively simple but lengthy.
Tomorrow we have DWO (Designing Work Organization). The exam will be full of case studies. I dont know whether I will read the complete question paper. I hate to read the case studies.
Thats it for now...
Life at IIM Lucknow,
Personal Trivia
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Thanks to Prof !!!
The subject MANAC... what to say about it.... Most of the people are afraid of the subject. I am not an exclusion from that list. How many questions we solve, the confidence levels never grow up.
Isaac was not feeling well and he dint prepare well for this exam. I hope he would recover as soon as possible.
Raghu and I solved previous exams papers and understood that our understanding on this topic is not that great. Especially Raghu was not at all confident.
The tension increased as the exam time approached. The exam was at 2. At 10 am, Raghu was talking about the option of mediation for an hour to get the tension out of him. But if I do mediation for an hour, I will sleep and get up after exam.
At 1.50 we are all at the exam hall. I dont know why there were some smiles in my face. I dont know what I was thinking at that moment. I can remember few expressions from others who were trying to keep themselves calm and few were looking deep in to the clock. Its 2. The question papers were distributed. After reading the first question - "Time God.. I know this and its for 15 marks. I will definitely pass this exam :)." I read the last question. It was the one I already solved when I was practicing previous exam papers. The confidence levels grew up. Finally, I wrote well.
To be frank, we all should thank Professor for giving us such an easy paper else it would have been a disaster.
Thats it for now.. Its 9.35 PM. I dint start the preparation for the next exam.
To Mom and Dad, with love
Its time for me to get wishes from mom and dad.
Its been 28 years.....
I have an opportunity to celebrate their marriage anniversary in my blog.
I will do that once my exams are done :))
Will update this post definitely before 31st dec....
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Hostel life at PEC
This video is one of my biggest assets....
I updated the same on "Got Bored Try This" Section...
Busy bee is really busy...
Today I worked for more than 12 hours. By evening, I was damn tired. I skipped my lunch also.
Luckily I got the back up of the application, which is a must need at this moment, in sathe's PC. I worked on that application and delivered it to our acads sec. He was being stressed by the big boss of the college and so he wanted me to complete the application and give it back to him as quick as possible. I finished it. But then I was called by atul to work on a windcheater. These days I am hating photoshop as it is eating away all my time.
We are designing a website for our college events. I was testing with the name of the website as "Ruffian". Saha was asking me "You never leave the word ruffian kya ?"
The answer is "???". I may change my name in near future. May be praveen becomes alias of Ruffian. :))))). Ruffian is so good rite ??? I cannot forget ruffian at any cost. I will update on how I got the name Ruffian in tom's post.
I am feeling tensed about the end term exams. I am not confident and to get away with it I am blogging too much. I am opening blog so many times to update on the current events.On the other hand my laziness takes me to the pleasure of sleeping.
Now its 11.10 PM. Chcken curry and paratha are waiting for ruffian. But ruffian is waiting for raghu. Raghu asked me to wait, else I might have not left the bones by this time. I am damn hungry.
Hey Idiot thanks a lot for your comments. But is that logo really good ???
Thats it for now....
Sweet and Sour December
Personal Trivia.. Personal Trivia....
December 2007:
I will write about this on 18th December describing a very important day in my life (December 19th)
December 2008:
The oscillations were too high during this month.
A big fight was going on with my best friend at the start of the month. I flunked in an exam conducted by HSBC Glt. Two days later, My project was nominated for the best automation project. I was suppose to give a presentation and based on that presentation the best project would be decided. I prepared a ppt in a different style. After my presentation, everyone appreciated my presentation style and thought that I was sure shot for the best automation project. But my project was not selected for the final place. I was damn upset about it. After hearing the final results about the automation project, my anger levels went to peak. I immediately thought of leaving the place and so I went to ground floor where I parked my bike. On that day I was given a gift voucher of Rs. 1000 for some other performance. I teared that gift voucher infront of vijay garu. I still feel bad about that part. I should not have done that. But past is past.
When ever I think about that situation, I can feel my cheeks widening. Next day deepti, keerti and vijay garu gave a lecture about the way I behaved. Even that was funny. I was so upset with those performances and never thought I could get out of it for a month atleast. But I dont know, some how I got my momentum back with an incident. It was my best friend. I made my best friend get out of an hurdle.(Facts cannot be disclosed) Ofcourse I was just a part of my best friend's success and I should not take the whole credit. Small 'innocent' kids and some people whom I think are lucky flooded wishes on my best friend to get her out of the battle. Ofcourse now I can take the credit for those wishes. Luckily my best friend won the battle. I felt as if I conquered the battle. This happiness is followed by an another fight :(. This time its not a serious one. Then the month ended with a happy note (Again I cannot disclose).
Dec 2009
The biggest upset was the GMAT exam. I did a silly mistake when I was registering for the exam. I gave my initials as per the license. When I went to the exam center on the D day, I was not allowed to write the exam as initials did not match with that of passport's. I dont know what to say to my dad and to my friends out there. Before giving exam I called every one and told them about my GMAT exam. When I was thrown out of center for the initials mis match, I dont know what to tell my friends. I need to mention a point here. Except to my best friend, I told every one about GMAT exam. But my best friend guessed so correctly and first wished me all the best :). So accurate !!! I came out of depression and registered, perfectly, for the next time in a week span. But a perfect registration not alone can fetch good marks rite ?. I dint do the exam well. I attempted the exam with over confidence and paid for it. I dint get a good score. Again I was upset. This time I was even more upset because I resigned my job and prepared for GMAT. I was not confident about CAT at that moment and thought GMAT alone was my savior. My dad, my best friend and my relatives tried to get me out of that mood. Thanks to them. I came out of that depression. But then..........
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Finally ruffian displayed his pic .....
Finally, I uploaded my profile picture. Somehow I like that pic. I was wearing a new sweater in that pic.
I am writing this blog just to forget few things. "Things" that are filled in my thoughts. I dont know what to say. :(((
Recently I won a competition. It was about a logo design and brand penetration strategy for a dubai based company. The company is going to launch new products in that country and so they want a name for their brand. I dint spend much time for designing the logo. But It fetched the prize for our group The total prize money was Rs.7500. But it has to be divided among 4 people. This is the first competition to win on the campus. The other competition where my group went to final round was for the RED River project. The results are yet to come. By the way in that logo design competition, logo carries 75% weightage :). I felt very happy seeing my name in the mail that was sent to everyone on campus. But for others it could be just an other competition as they see these kind of mails on daily basis.
Apart from that, today we had some funny moments in the class. As I mentioned in my earlier post, we had a presentation on HSBC Glt (my previous company). We had it in the afternoon session (4 PM). I was preparing ppt till 4 pm :). There were so many changes in the last minute. Raghu and I were not satisfied with the report and hence were doing so many changes in the PPT. Every team got less than 8 minutes to present and we were also given same amount of time. By the time I got the chance, only 2 minutes were left. I quickly winded up my slides and when raghu started talking about the organization structure, the time was up. Priyanka still dint start her part in the presentation. Atlast mam asked our group - 'what is the most important learning from this project ?' We dont know what to say. Since priyanka did not speak till then, we all pushed her front. But she didnot prepare for this presentation. She was so happy till then but things changed all of sudden. She started answered the question this way - 'Actually.. Actually.. We studied the whole organization structure'. Mam replied - "No.. No.. NO.. I am asking.. what are your learnings from the project ?". Then prasad raised his tone and said some answer. Then I raised my tone and told mam about the dual authority problem. Then prasad ended the whole conversation with a funny example. Mean while the students in the class started shouting - 'Globe.. Globe...'. The word "Globe" means answering the question by telling all the stories around the world and missing the real part. The frequency of the word "Globe" is increasing day by day in my class. :))).
Raghu has come to my room to read and I am writing this blog for the past half an hour.
He will kill me If i continue writing the post for another 5 mins.
Today is Imran's birthday. I wish him happy birthday. He is one of my close friends and a very good person. His everlasting smile is his biggest asset. He was the one who often wishes me first on some important occasions. I remember him calling on dec 31st 2008(I dont remember exactly), 15 mins before 12 midnight, to be the first to wish him "Happy new year".
Now, I need to call him by 12 to be the last to wish him "Happy birthday" :).
Thats it for today... Keep Smiling....
12.18 pm... 16th dec...
I forgot to wish imran at 11.59 :(.... I just called him and wished him. Thats tooooo bad rite ?? :((...
Life at IIM Lucknow,
Personal Trivia
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
9 more days....
Just 9 more days... just 9 more days..... I will be there at hyderabad.
I am in desperate need of a break. My mind is thinking beyond and always want to be at extreme end. I think a break at this time will fill my enthu levels to max. For the past two days I am facing a horrible situation and I am not able to come out of it. Its about some synapse work. I just dont want to think about that. I am still searching for a solution.
Yesterday morning, the whole campus was filled with fog. We can barely see who is coming opposite to us. But its too good. I am facing this type of climate for the first time.
We had a quiz for 5 marks. It could be the easiest of all quizzes I had attempted till now :). But I will not get full marks as I did a silly mistake. I may get 4.
Today we have to give a presentation on organization design of HSBC Glt and this would be the last presentation for this term and for this year also :).
December is a month which I can never forget. This month has left me with so many memories to carry. Will update soon on this.
Time to go to classes.....
Monday, December 13, 2010
11 more days to go
Just 11 more days to go.. I will be there at hyderabad by this time. My mom might be ready with Sambhar :). Normally people think of non veg as the main dish when u go back to home after a long gap. But my mom knows exactly about me and so she cooks sambhar. I like sambhar. Its just not "like" but "love". ;)
Yesterday I watched a movie - "Flipped". I really liked that movie. It was good for some reasons. The ego feelings displayed by hero and heroine were amazing. Though the movie was based on kids, it suits for all kind of audience. I remember one of the dialogues - "At times, Silence conveys a better communication than words". The situation at which the dialogue being uttered by heroine was good.
Here is the link to that movie.
Final week of the term is going on and we are a little busy with project submissions. Tomorrow we have Macro economics project presentation. Professor may call any one in the group to give the presentation. So we should hone our skills in Macro and especially in "Exchange rates" (our project deals with it). When I was in HSBC, I used to hear a lot about exchange rates and never liked them. I used to tell myself that I am in a software company and I am never gonna touch that topic. Now I am finding it very interesting. But prof is "king" in that topic and will definitely grill us in that topic.
In DWO class mam asked us to do a group task. Everyone was busy with the task. And mam was busy in checking how groups are performing. Raghu took it as a chance and got in to the class shunning mam. He finally got attendance too. He might had a "luck" pill before coming to the pgp block.
Regarding DWO project, I am working on the organization design of HSBC Glt. I am finding it very funny. I am analyzing the whole structure of HSBC Glt. May be I will post the report to my TL during term holidays. I dont know whether he will read the report with such a busy schedule on hand.
Today I cleaned my room and its looking a bit better :).
Today is ashish bday. Happy birthday ashish...
Now its time to eat biryani... Thats it for now...
Friday, December 10, 2010
Busy bee (atleast pretend to be) :))))
The 2nd term will say good bye in a week. So its time for us to "date" with the books.
Now I am in raghu's room.
Today is a normal day with no essence of surprise. In QAM class mr.x always sleep. Today as it is he is busy with his normal duty(sleep). Prof suddenly called him. He did not wake up. Again prof called him and still he dint get up. Finally everyone started laughing and that made him get up. Prof asked him a question. He couldnt answer it. Prof dint take it seriously. After some time, again mr.x started his business(sleep). In the other class, prof stopped asking us the routine question - "did you guys come prepared for the class?". He understood that we are never gonna change. Thats the spirit of our section. Initial days, prof used to tell us that he is gonna change us and now :(((. In the last class, I was playing some game(kind of hangman) with raghu. Prof, after observing some time, directly asked me - "are you playing some game?". I was shocked and answered "no". Prof is in good mood and took it light. He thought of conducting a surprise quiz but noticing the class strength (around 20 ppl were absent), he decided not to conduct the quiz. I felt happy else it could have been an another disaster (This time a definite zero - out of five).
Here is the pic containing the comments from my mam about our project presentation that we did in the pre mid term. We did a project on how reynolds would go ahead if it enters the notebook industry.

Few teams got 7.5 too. But I liked the third point in this pic. It was the idea given by ruffian :))). We got 11 out 12 for the final report. :))).
Idiot mentioned about remembering the things in my last post.
"Yes idiot... These days I do remember things a lot and few never go out of my mind... "
"Can a monkey forget how to eat a banana?"... I hope you understand who is monkey... dont say its me..
oyee.. chamath.. are you showing regional feelings or what ???.. you r giving respect for your country mate udhara and not for sathappan (indian) ???... Thats too bad..
Life at IIM Lucknow,
Personal Trivia
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The burden is off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
This post is about the MM project and about small updates that happened in the class.
As of now ruffian is taking rest...
Will update soon
11.45 am..
I thought of getting up at 1 am and read for the QAM quiz. But a blanket of laziness covered me and so I slept till 5 am, making the total number of hours I slept to almost 9. Our class is damn busy and I am so leisure. :(. I dint do the quiz well. I did very silly mistakes - read the number 4 as 5 and solved the whole question -and finally paid for it. Prof gave two questions and both went wrong. I felt very bad about it as stress for the final exams slowly creeps up.
Marketing professor asked us to come prepared for the case and not even a single person came to the class with an analysis. Prof left the class after taking attendance. He is very angry. I dont know whether our class,in this term, is gonna impress him atleast for once.
Yesterday we(our group) submitted the project for marketing. It was a very tough job for us to prepare the report. Prof doesnt want us to copy paste from internet. We prepared a report of 40 pages out of which half was copy paste (literature review etc etc) and the rest was written by us. Our group had 5 members and only 3 of us worked for this project. It turned out to be a very tough job for three of us to finish off everything on our own. Yesterday the way one of my close friends spoke with me made me sick. I have put so much efforts on this project. I bunked for a day to finish this project but the way he commented about our project (though he is a member of my group) made me feel very bad. I could not concentrate in the next two classes. Those dialogues were stick in my mind and still its there. I am sure one day he will realize what is what. I dont know what to say
Thats it for now.. I have a class to attend...
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Professor says "get out and read".. We say "Thank you sir"
Profs normally ask us to come prepared for the next classes. Hardly 10% of the class comes with a basic pre-reading. Hardly 10% just goes through the content but not indepth. Rest of the class just comes as it is. I definitely fall in the last category. I "hardly" prepare for any class. Some professors do not mind and some others take it very serious. Last week one of our professors asked us to come prepared with a case study. Only 7 to 8 people went with analysis and rest of the class dint prepare. Professor asked for those who dint come prepared with analysis ? Almost all the class got up and so he sent those people out(including me :) ).
When I came out, I noticed that few people have come prepared with analysis and yet they came out. There was a big smile on almost every one's face when they were coming out. Every one started writing analysis and to be frank we were just filling the papers and not doing any analysis about the case. All of sudden the students who were left in the class were also sent out to come prepared with an indepth analysis. :))). So no one was left in the class. Professor was sitting all alone in the class. Few of our friends went to have a cup of tea :). Professor wanted to to take two back to back classes and hence everyone decided to get in to the class for the second hour only with full preparation.

You can see - Raghu (gray and brown) and I(white shirt) reading the case. Ofcourse it was just a pose :). Kidding.
In the next class, the prof sent out those who dint have polycopy to bring it and again I came out. This time prof gave exactly 10 mins time to go to the hostel and come back. Isaac's polycopy was missing and so he took my polycopy to get a Xerox copy. We both went to class after 20 mins. Luckily professor dint say anything and welcomed us by cracking a small joke. Somehow the day went fine even though there were some tough times.
Thats it for the day...
Comments for Comments !!
For the past few days.... Idiot and another idiot are filling my comments section and its time for me to take revenge.
Japan's idiot comments on Miracle Post :
how come most of the time you are always the lukcy one to be called and how come you never prepare anything correctly ?? Well that anyway is so much like you, since you are used to ahmmmm you know back in college, now leave that habit idiot
I am not lucky and to be frank I dont think so. I used to come prepare for almost all the classes and u forgot kya ? ;). I remember how u used to talk in the class disturbing divya and srilu. Its just because of you they lost marks else they would have been the toppers. I always wanted to take revenge for one thing u did to me. You remember when I was giving a presentation during english class in 5th or 6th sem(I dont remember), U made me laugh in between with your expressions and u gave missed calls also.. rite? I also gave a pause during the presentation. I just wanted to kill you for that !!! :))))).
Srilanka's idiot comments again for the same Miracle post:
this is a normal behaviour of him..! when ever he stood up from last bench we had to whisper some answears...:
Now what to write ? There were so many incidents for which we used to fight a lot especially for the places. "Who sits at the corner ??? " We were so afraid of our HOD as he checks our note book during the class and so no one wants to take the corner seat. Now tell me atleast one occasion where u whispered answer ? is it you or me who used to whisper ?? ;).
a misc comment :
good creations. I've been following u secretly for many days. Keep it up. All the Best. I want a date wid u. Gimme ur no', I'll call u.
This comment was written by boppa and he just wanted to make fun of. So I dont want to reply for such a comment
Comments from Anvesh:
tanq verry much praveen... :)
So sweet Anvesh. Thanks a lot for writing in my blog. Once again many many happy returns (Very very belated) of the day.
Comments from Idiot again on wishing for her bday:
Thank you idiot..!!
So sweet Idiot.
Comments from Ankita(my class mate at IIM) on the title "Understanding midterm questions are tougher than understanding a gal's heart"
I love the title Praveen!!! Its hilarious.
Thanks a lot Ankita
Finally, just wanted to end with a note about the new member under my fans club - mr.swaroop. Thanks a lot swaroop. I never thought u would be reading my blogs. Once again thank youuu..
Thats it
Sunday, December 5, 2010
The Day that turned my life !!!
I cannot forget December 5th. Its the day I had given CAT exam.
It was a very interesting day from my prospective. The exam was scheduled at 3.30 PM. I was sleeping till 10.30 and it was my best friend's phone call that made me wake up. With a very happy tone, my best friend wished me all the best. At that moment, I never knew that those wishes were gonna work, but they are.
I started for the exam from my home at 12. In between, there was a huge traffic jam and I thought of going back home at one point. My cell phone gave me a buzz and showed an SMS from my best friend saying - " praveen keka rayali " (write very very well). Luckily, the traffic got cleared. I reached the college by 1.30. there was a boring 2 hrs gap before the exam begins and so I started calling all my frnds. Its 2.45 and I was standing in the queue to get in the exam hall. I dint have a hair cut for more than 3 months and I was looking like ******. The security persons took a long time to accept me as praveen (They thought there was mismatch with the photo in my PAN cards). Finally at 3.30 I started my exam. I felt few questions were wrong (hehehehe). It so happens when we start thinking the question from different angles instead of the way we solved it during the mock tests. I dint panic at any point even though I dint know few questions. It was not a great attempt and i was not confident of getting an IIM call. As soon as I came out, I first called my best friend and told I dint do well :)). Then I came to know about the riots (telangana issues) that were going on in the city. Hearing all these, I again started thinking I shouldnt have given CAT. Actually, I was preparing very hard for GMAT and so I was thinking that way. I dint concentrate much on CAT and hence I showed least interest for CAT. What if, I had taken a wrong decision on Dec 5th ? I am afraid to think about it.
Now back to life at IIM Lucknow,
Our section conducted an intra day ckt tournament and it was a great feeling to be a part of it. I enjoyed a lot and indeed I did some branding for this tournament. We named this tournament as Section D's Premier league (DPL). Here is the teaser for DPL.
And this is the first time my class could have felt the existence of "praveen".
I will talk more about this in my latter posts.
Today is idiot's birthday and I wished her :).
Once again Happy birthday Arina...
Thats it for today... Loads of work :((
Saturday, December 4, 2010
O-tanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu (Japanese)
Happy Birthday Arina aka Idiot...
I am very busy these days.. no time to fill this space...
Its almost 4.30 in the morning... that may not sound odd.. but its saturday night .. and no one opts for a night-out on saturday when sunday is ahead...
Will update soon
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