The movies are
1. Ala modalaindi (Telugu)
2. Agora ( )
3. A walk to remember
I watched 'ala modalaindi' movie just because of one reason. Its trailer. I liked the trailer and then I saw the reviews. Surprisingly it got some good feedback. An impression was set in the mind that this movie is a good one to watch. I was desperately waiting for this movie and got a chance to see it. The movie is good but not great. The movie is full of twists and turns. It has some good commercial values. More over andhra people might be desperate to watch a movie that has some thing to laugh. I liked few scenes that were really touching. Anyways I dont want to write much about this movie.
The next movie was Agora. I watched this movie just because of Rachel weisz. Her action was too good. I liked this movie. But the movie runs for 2 hours and its pretty difficult to sit and watch such a movie for 2 hours. I liked a scene in which hero prays God to let heroine free from others. It threw back some memories.
The final one, A walk to remember... Its the ultimate movie. Its an inspirational movie (may not be to all, but to some exceptional cases like me).I watched this movie for 4 times. I never felt bored and will never feel so. I like this movie for some other reasons too.
Now, the question is how am I coping up with the class schedules. Its pretty simple. Go to class and sit idle there. dont sleep in the class but at the same time I dont listen to the classes also. I keep on thinking about some thing that every one thinks crap :)).
Today is the last day for marketing prof. At the end of class, every one clapped so hard and prof told " I can interpret this in two ways. One - you either liked my class. Two - you must be feeling happy as there are no more classes". Well I opt for the option one. Promise !!!
In human resources class, We had a guest lecture by Sanjay. He is the VP for TATA sons. It was good to see some one who interacts with a very high profile people in govt (minister's category). The class was interesting. It was about ethics in work life. I really think ethics in work life is a really big issue that cannot be neglected. He told us a joke on how companies hire financial analysts.
" A company was hiring financial analysts. So many people with back ground as CA, MBA in Fin etc etc attended. No one was selected. The question was simple - 'How do you prepare a balance sheet?'. Surprisingly the interviewer was not satisfied with the answers given by CA and MBA guys. Finally a BCA guy was selected. Everyone asked him how was he selected. He told " interviewer asked me how to prepare the balance sheet. I asked him the same question. How to prepare the balance sheet. You tell me and I will do that and so I am selected. ' The other people were shocked." Well this joke has so much meaning in it. This depicts on how the corporate world is working.
When Sanjay told about code of ethics for pirates, I was surprised. Do Pirates themselves have code of ethics ??
Here is the link to that site.
I am little worried about FM. I am not able to understand the concepts. It was all about stocks and NPV. I really hate that.
Thats it